Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Momo a kind of dumpling is one of the best loved food people eats in Nepal. It's easy to cook and prepare. Everyday people eats momo and it's easy to find a one good momo restaurant in every street corner of city. It has been like a fast food just like McDonald.
Where did momo come from? It is believed that momo actually comes from Tibet. It's actually a Chinese recipe which was then very popular in Nepal and has been one's own Nepalese food.
How to make momo? The recipe is simple and here is the recipe.

Pork minced meat 200 gm
ginger and garlic paste 1 tablespoon
finely chopped one diced onion
salt to taste

For dough:
Plain flour about 2 cups.
1/2 teaspoon salt and oil

First make a soft dough and keep aside. Cover the dough for minute.
Now mixed the minced meat, ginger and garlic paste, chopped onion and salt together. keep aside for while. Now roll the dough into small pieces and filled the meat and wrap them. After that cooked it on the steamer for about 15-20 minutes. Serve with sauce.

Kathmandu Food Feast

Kathmandu is one of the busiest city in Nepal and all the people loves food. Almost everywhere we can see lots of restaurant and food stall in Kathmandu. Each year people celebrates food feast and is a great way to gather with friends and family. In Newar culture, food is celebrated in every month and many delicious foods are cooked and prepared. Due to passion for food in Nepal, people started celebrating food festival. Here people do get try to enjoy eating different kinds of food from continental to Asian cuisine.
The most popular food that people love is eating mo mo. A dumpling just like Chinese dumpling, filled with minced meat, which is then steamed. People eats everyday just like people in Italy eats pasta.
Every year, people organized momo competition. During these competition, different kinds of delicious momo are cooked and displayed. The best delicious momo are judge by the people. There is even eating momo competition. Who eats fast gets the reward.